Regional MLS Selects Flexmls!
We’re very excited to announce the signing of a long-term contract for Flexmls with Regional MLS Inc., which serves 11,000 subscribers from the Realtors Association...
Is “Free” MLS Finally Here?
Over ten years ago, I recall being in a presentation at NAR’s mid-year conference and hearing Gregg Larson from Clareity Consulting predict that MLS services...
We live in a cynical world of tough competitors . . .
There’s a lot corny about Tom Cruise’s “you complete me” dialog at the end of Jerry Maguire but the part that always sticks with me...
Put That In Your Algorithm
Id’ hire Mariana, with or without an on-line recommendation.
Questions Regarding Value of National MLS
Over on AgentGenius, Mariana Wagner has a post called A National MLS Will NOT Work And Here Are Three Reasons Why . . .” I...
More Than A PR Problem
Following some conspiracy theory discussions I had this week with a colleague about the NFL (yes, he’s a Patriots fan), I found the comments to...
Just Like Seth
Sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
Tying The Pieces Together
As the MLS industry embarks on a new year, re-focused on data standards and data sharing, we may be able to learn from similar phenomenon...
Centralization Is A Bug
Centralization is a bug · Bill Joy: “Wherever you work, most of the smart people are somewhere else.†The reason the Web worked so well...
The Misty Gates
Once again, Gary Thomas made his “Gateway” speech at another NAR convention and unleashed more speculation (behind Inman’s paywall) about what it really means. I’ve...
Release Night
We’re just an hour or so away from pushing our latest release live. We have a single code set managing all of our hosted customers,...
Why Social Networks Are Not an MLS
I was cruising through some posts over at REliberation, a blogging platform from Point2, and ran across a post that asked, “Why do you blog...