Defining Moments: NAR Gateway/TREC and the Open Web
The Gateway/TREC/TBD discussions are heating up again, sort of. Re-visiting the topic seems timely with the latest iteration of the NAR PAG report recently “released”...
Clareity MLS Workshop Teaser on Gateway
I’ll be in Scottsdale this week for the Clareity MLS Workshop. The agenda for the workshop includes this: “Gateway Update – is it already quietly...
Questions Regarding Value of National MLS
Over on AgentGenius, Mariana Wagner has a post called A National MLS Will NOT Work And Here Are Three Reasons Why . . .” I...
NAR’s Gateway Concept Out In The Open
At long last, the NAR’s Gateway concept is out in the open for discussion. I’ve been asking about more details for some time and want...
Is Facebook Today’s MLS Book Or Are MLSs Tomorrow’s Facebook?
Facebook is the darling of nearly everyone, it seems, especially after the site “opened up” to allow outsiders to develop software for use inside Facebook....
Allowing The Outside Web To Come In
The technical blogs are buzzing about Six Apart’s call to use open standards for social networks and Google’s leaked announcement that it will be creating...
Not Whining, Really
Glenn Roberts’ article is out and I’m thankful to Glenn for writing about the Future of MLS Wiki, as I hope it fosters discussion about...
Comments on CAR’s MLS Working Group Statement of Principles
Mark Flavin comments today on the Statement of Principles by the CAR MLS Working Group, and I’ve added my own thoughts by commenting on the...
Interviewed by Glenn Roberts from Inman About the Future of MLS Wiki
I just got off the phone with Glenn Roberts from Inman News, who called to learn more about the FBS Blog and the Future of...
Future of MLS Wiki
I meant to get more content into the wiki before announcing it, but Jim Duncan’s post today about the NAR’s MLS Presidential Advisory Group prompted...