For those interested in following the musings of two of the hottest players in the real estate software business, check out Vendor Alley and Titze Fly. Vendor Alley is written by Greg Robertson and Titze Fly is a brand new blog from Dan Woolley, both from eNeighborhoods, where Greg is the EVP of Sales and Marketing and Dan is the Senior VP of Technology. As you might expect given their positions, Greg’s blog is more focused on sales and related happenings, especially around conventions and conferences, and Dan’s blog looks to be digging into the technical side of things.
I first met Dan and Greg years ago when they were leading Iris, LLC, to new heights, building an overlay (Lightning) to legacy MLS systems, such as FBS’s old RElist system. Much has changed over the years, with FBS and other MLS vendors moving to web platforms and Greg and Dan selling Iris to Homeseekers and then moving to eNeighborhoods where they’re now covering nearly every angle of real estate technology, from powering the RE/MAX portal to their MLS Alliance overlay data sharing system.
Through these changes, they’re now actually becoming competitors to FBS (they’ll probably deny it but it’s true and likely will only become more true in the years to come as regionalization continues to be a hot topic), so maybe I shouldn’t be promoting them, but they’re good friends of mine who I respect enormously and so I’m going to be following their blogs closely to stay in touch with the amazing things I’m sure they’ll be accomplishing.