Blogging Convergence

Sep 1, 2007 Michael Wurzer

Today is the day for writing about new blogs, I guess. A few months ago, Greg Kilwein from FBS wrote a post that introduced us to Mark Flavin, who is Director of Information Technology for the Bay East Association of REALTORS. Mark was recently noted by Pat Kitano over at Transparent Real Estate as “BayEast‘s go-to source for promoting innovative technology ideas, blogging and education to its member base” and noted that Mark recently started blogging at Tales from the Techside.

Although I have yet to meet him, another Association executive getting attention recently in the is Ben Martin, Director of Communications & New Media at Virginia Association of REALTORS®. Where’s the convergence, you ask? Here goes:

  • Earlier today, I posted about blogs from Dan Woolley and Greg Robertson, who run eNeighoorhoods, which provides, among other software, the MLS Alliance system.
  • Mark Flavin’s association is one is not one of many California Associations using the MLS Alliance system.  (Correction:  Mark let me know in a comment that I was wrong about their using eNeighborhoods’ Alliance system.)
  • MLS Alliance also is being looked at by several MLSs in Virginia, which is where Ben Martin is located.
  • FBS also serves several MLSs in Virginia (Williamsburg, Lexington Buena-Vista, Roanoke, and New River Valley), and would love to have them all using the MLS data sharing functionality built into the flexmls® Web system.

So, you see, it’s a small world after all, and so here’s a big welcome to the to Mark Flavin and Ben Martin.