The highlight of the RETS meetings yesterday was a demonstration by Frank Tadman of REInfoLink of a “data mapper” system he developed. REInfoLink is part of the NCREX regionalization effort in Northern California, and Frank’s data mapper program helps map the various data fields from the four different MLS systems participating in that effort. This is the kind of effort the RETS process and community needs to support.
The remainder of the day was far less interesting. There was some progress towards developing a plan for finalizing the payloads, but my suggestion of shooting for final approval in August didn’t get very far. The group is going to try to approve the agent and office payloads and a few others in August, but the group felt that the listing payloads need more work and review. I agree they need more work but I also think that work could be done by August. Oh, well. Hopefully the listing payloads can be approved in the December meeting. To that end, the idea of a RETSipedia to enable agents, brokers and MLS staff to review and comment on the payloads gained some traction. Hopefully I’ll have more of an update on this by the end of today.