Matthew McGuire and Ryan Bonham

May 23, 2007 Michael Wurzer

Here’s a “welcome to the” post for blogs by Matthew McGuire and Ryan Bonham, who are both on the RETS Governance task force with me.

Ryan is CEO of Transparent Technologies, which is a real estate software development company focused on IDX systems and RETS programming. I look forward to having Ryan join the fray regarding RETS-related issues.

Matthew’s blog actually isn’t new but it is new to me. Also, Matthew notes that his blog is personal (i.e., not related to his position at Marketlinx, the biggest of big MLS vendors) and his posts so far are focused on software design and development generally, and Debian Linux specifically. So, it remains to be seen whether Matthew will dig into MLS issues or not, but it would be great if he did.