Summit Stroll(Tuesday June 25th, 6-8pm central)
- 5:45pm – FBS Headquarter open to sponsors for arrival and setup.
- 6-8pm – Summit Stroll! Cocktail hour with MLS attendees. Talk about your product and get to know MLS leaders.
A 4-foot folding table will be provided in a shared vendor area along with your pre-printed vertical banner with QR code. You may bring along any additional handouts you would like for the Summit Stroll. This is a casual cocktail hour event that will allow more direct interaction with the MLS leaders. Please do not bring additional banners or display items beyond what will fit on the 4 ft tables due to limited space. You may arrive as early as 5:45pm to set up table items. Open to Summit Stroll Sponsors only.
Summit Spotlights (June 26th, Times vary)
- 1pm – Orientation and soundcheck for vendor presentations.
- 1:30 – 2pm – Vendor Visit (mingle with attendees as they return from lunch)
- 2pm – 3:40pm – Vendors Depart (closed sessions)
- 3:45 – 5pm – Integration Education Segment – Vendor Presentations
Sponsors are authorized to attend their sponsored events only, with the Summit Stroll on Tuesday evening and the Summit Spotlight (Integration-Education segment) on Wednesday afternoon. Please note that FBS presentations are closed and for customers and FBS staff exclusively (in the main conference room). Please do not arrive at the Summit venue significantly in advance of the time frames provided (space is limited). For most sponsors, unless otherwise stated, you will arrive at 1pm at the Sanctuary Events Center for sound check.