It’s easy to scroll past blogs and social posts highlighting exceptional corporate performance stats. After all, they’re just horn-tooting, corporate brag pieces, amIright? I’m guilty too! But when it comes to companies with whom we contract to provide services to FBS or our internal teams, I’ll see past the humble brags and have a read. Understanding my technology partners (and their competitors) gives me insight into their focus, what’s important to them, and how they’re doing. In some cases, I’m compelled to pick up the phone and talk to my tech partners. I also appreciate when our customers call me and temp-check FBS! It’s good engagement that keeps us all sharp.
At FBS, we’re focused on providing the MLS with the tools they need to make their market(s) work and MLS subscribers with a system that gives them precisely what they need, when and how they need it so they can efficiently serve consumers. That’s simply stated but challenging to execute. The overall data-feedback we receive tells us that our focus is largely aligned with our customers and software users. That doesn’t mean perfection. We don’t always win. We don’t always get things right. However, we always listen, learn and improve. As a 100% employee-owned company (every employee is an owner), getting it right for our customers is as much business as it is personal.
In calendar-year 2022, 100% of eligible MLS client-partners (nearly 75,000 members across 50+ MLSs) reaffirmed their trust in FBS with a Flexmls contract renewal. These 50 MLSs represent an average customer tenure of nearly 15 years. Simultaneously, we converted 5 new MLSs and accomplished numerous regional initiatives with existing customers. It was also an honor to be selected by our existing client, Charleston Trident MLS, to power their commercial business with a version of the Flexmls System adapted for commercial professionals. If I were to share additional 2022 key performance metrics, you’d quickly find that we’re achieving unprecedented and unmatched industry satisfaction rates, close to 100%, for elements that directly impact MLSs and MLS subscribers such as new feature and marketing communication tools, training, subscriber/end-user support, and more.
We are proud of these collective accomplishments, grateful for the trust our client-partners placed in us. We’re also highly motivated to continue improvement and innovation in areas of opportunity so we can maintain the high standards we’ve set. FBS has a decades-long history of extremely high client-contract-renewals + new MLS account growth + innovation. With that growth-momentum, we’re serving nearly 320,000 Flexmls software subscribers across 155+ MLSs today.
Our entire team of FBS employee-owners and candid, trusting, results-based relationships with our growing group of MLS client-partners are the heart of everything. Together, we learn, grow, and get better every year. Our software users (the boots-on-ground real estate professionals) also contribute. We’re constantly engaging them via a variety of methods, seeking input on past product enhancements and future concepts. Just for scale, in 2022, we conducted 270 unique, user interviews. MLS Leaders and Board members, I’d love to hear from you (temp-check us!) and so would our sales team. We’d love to share more about the value of FBS – our products, service and experience.