One of our MLS clients received an email yesterday from a representative for NAR’s RPR. In addition to this being interesting because it is the first sighting I’ve had of email marketing from RPR, there were a few interesting tidbits in the email:
- An API for the Property Records and Deed Recordings is expected to be ready “by the end of January” and is “at no charge” if the MLS “sign[s] up for the service and agree to a terms of use”. (On a related note, the email claims “no contract is required” as long as you “agree to a terms of use”. Uh, okay.)
- The terms of use will be available for review by mid-January.
- They’re expecting beta testing to begin in late February and are targeting an April/May launch for MLSs who have enrolled in the program.
- A new web informational web site on RPR will be launching soon to help answer questions.
I’m moderating a panel at Inman Connect in New York City next week called “RPR Reverb: Should MLSs Love It or Fear It” and would love to hear questions you have about RPR. The panel will include Marty Frame (RPR’s President), Brian Larson (attorney and consult to MLSs everywhere and author of MLS Tesseract), and Jim Duncan (broker at Nest Realty and author of RealCentralVA and original NAR PAG member that envisioned what became RPR). This is going to be a great panel and it will be better with your questions, so fire away!