Clareity Consulting released its 6th Annual MLS Customer Satisfaction Survey today. Matt Cohen from Clareity did an excellent job again this year and really went the extra mile digging into the numbers. Matt put a new twist on the survey by creating some hypothetical customer profiles to help MLSs use the results more effectively. Clareity also hired a statistician to help crunch the numbers. The results for FBS? Although we ranked highly on the overall end-user and MLS staff satisfaction rankings (as we have every year in this survey), we didn’t match up very well to any of the three hypothetical MLSs. We’ll just have to hope those hypothetical MLSs stay that way.
P.S. Matt Cohen graciously points out in a comment to this post that the rankings on a couple of the hypotheticals were pretty much tied among the vendors. I guess I’m just as focused on the “rankings” as everyone else and overlooked the details. Thanks for clarifying, Matt!