The term “Google juice” is well-known in the blogging world, but I experienced MLS juice yesterday. For those unfamiliar with Google juice, the idea is that if a site that ranks high in the search engines links to your site, that enhances your site’s ranking, thereby giving you “Google juice” and sending more traffic your way.
Yesterday, I posted two polls about some user-interface questions we’ve been discussing at FBS. We then linked to that post on the dashboard inside the flexmls Web system. Here’s what happened to traffic to the FBS Blog as a result:
We only had the link available in the system for about eight hours, and yet we had about 1,400 new unique users visit the FBS Blog as a result. Of course, the link was relevant and visible to the users and had a call to action associated with it. When you put those factors together, you get traffic. Pretty cool, huh?