I’ve become a huge fan of Twitter, where I post as @mwurzer. Tonight I was Twittering around and did a search for posts containing the term MLS, which, of course, is a passion of mine and all of us here at FBS. I found two things: (1) Beckham is under some sort of deadline from Major League Soccer; and (2) there are a lot of people talking about Multiple Listing Services on Twitter, most of which I’m not following currently.
That got me thinking: Since MLS is our business, should I be following everyone who also is interested in or discussing MLS? On the one hand, I generally haven’t been using Twitter to reach out and follow lots of people I don’t know; I usually have some connection to them already either because they follow me first or I know them already. Yet again, I think we have some good insight on the MLS world and want to be part of as many conversations about MLS as possible. So, should I reach out and follow more?
If so, should I do it as @mwurzer or create a company Twitter account? As I thought of that question, I remembered that I created an @flexmls account awhile ago and haven’t posted on it or followed people there but have only focused on my personal account @mwurzer. The great thing about Twitter is it mixes business, pleasure and even the mundane. It’s really quite personal and a company account seems less personal. On the other hand, if I’m following a lot of new people I don’t know, the @flexmls account seems like it may be a better fit.
Any advice for me on these questions?