Earlier this week, I wrote a post highlighting the restrictive license terms Zillow has for their media services content (photos, etc.) and how important that is for MLSs to address. A few days later, Zillow updated their license terms and FAQ to add rights to upload media to MLS systems and to use the media in CMAs with this language:
Items 2 and 3 are the new terms. These additions are a significant improvement but MLSs need more clarity. Specifically, MLSs at least need the rights to distribute the media to others and create derivative works from the media. Also, though this likely is just word-smithing, agents need to be able to upload to multiple MLSs and not just “a Multiple Listing Service”.
It’s awesome that Zillow is aware of these issues and appears willing to work with MLSs to address the concerns. I’m hopeful they’ll address distribution and derivative rights as well, which are critical to the services MLSs provide their customers and the entire industry today. Even more important, however, is that MLSs establish an efficient way to work with all media providers and not have to address them one at a time like this. We look forward to working with all of our MLS customers on this important issue to ensure MLSs can foster innovation and the flow of media to brokers, agents, and their customers now and well into the future.