This is the week we hold our annual FBS Summit. The Summit is an opportunity for us to share with our clients our product development plans and learn from them whether those plans make sense. We have about 75 people coming from all over the country this year, so it’s bound to be a fun and exciting event.
Incredibly, on top of that, a few of us are heading off today for the final presentation tomorrow to a potential new client, and then we’re going to rush back to try to make the tail end of the opening reception for the Summit. We tried like crazy to get the schedule adjusted but it just wasn’t going to happen. So, I’m crossing my fingers, toes and everything else for good weather and no travel delays today or tomorrow, so we make it back safe and on-time for the Summit.
My hope is to blog about the Summit this week and maybe even get one or two guest bloggers to join in the fun.