RETS Governance Work Group Recommends RESO

Aug 7, 2007 Michael Wurzer

The recommendation of the RETS governance work group was posted yesterday to   This recommendation for a new Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) is a culmination of the work of Gregg Petch, Peter Spicer, Matt McGuire, Ryan Bonham, Mark Lesswing and me.  I was honored to work with this group, and I’m proud of what we produced.  Our meetings and conference calls over the last several months were productive, professional, and even enjoyable.

Speaking for myself, I believe the RESO recommendation accomplishes the core objectives I had for the governance plan:

  • Formalizing an intellectual property policy for the standards;
  • Establishing leadership in a Board of Directors and a full-time Executive Officer responsible for creating and executing a road map for development of the standards; and
  • Preserving the prominent role of the membership at large in developing and approving proposals to change the standards.

The recommendation will be reviewed and submitted for a vote this Thursday at the RETS meetings in Chicago.